Thursday, November 1, 2012

How Do You Fix The Red Ring Of Death

Are you desperate to get back into gaming today?

As your friends are busy hammering it out on halo Reach, Final Fantasy vIII and Red Dead Redemption and having one of hell of a time tuning up their skills, you are busy fumbling around with your Xbox wondering what in world happened to it.

All of a suddenly your expensive Xbox fell victim to the Xbox red light error.

And this can mean $200+ down the drain if your Xbox fails to start working again after some time. The frustration of throwing away hundreds of dollars at Microsoft for a console that doesn't even work right can be down right depressing. And if it took you quite some time to save up for it, I can understand how pissed you might be feeling at this point.

When you shell out hundreds of dollars for a brand new console, you expect it to last a while, right?

And what is even worse is that if you happen to be out of warranty, Microsoft plans on prying out $140+ right out of your pockets just to do something about this Xbox red light issue you have been having.

In some cases, there have been Xbox gamers that have had to send their "fixed" Xbox consoles back for more repairs. This means another $150 going straight into Microsoft pockets again.

If you do the math, that's $150+$150 = $300

And for $300 you could have bought easily bought another Xbox, right? But the fact of the matter is that it is only a matter of time before it falls victim to the Xbox red light issue that affects so many Xbox consoles today.

It is a vicious cycle you don't want to be stuck in and obviously the only way to avoid it is to permanently get rid of the Xbox red light error on your own.

At this point, you might have heard of some "towel fix" that is supposedly going to "get rid" of the Xbox red light error.

As a friend, I highly suggest not to put your expensive Xbox console at risk of permanent damage because of it. All the "towel fix" does is pretty much bake the internal parts of your Xbox which will lead to even more issues than you are already dealing with.

And if you think about it...would Microsoft themselves suggest using some crappy "towel fix" method to get rid of the Xbox red light issue? Probably not. Not only is wrapping a towel around your Xbox risky, it is also dangerous.

The only smart thing to do at this point if you want to get back into gaming is to find out exactly how Microsoft gets rid of the Xbox red light error themselves.

Fortunately everything they do, from the moment they snap open the Xbox console until the time they power up the Xbox showing the green light status has been mapped out in an easy to follow guide.

Getting rid of of the Xbox red light error in a safe and easy manner has never been easier than this.

And I am going to let you in on a little secret...Microsoft does a half-assed job in repairing your Xbox so that they can milk even more cash from you.

Fortunately this guide shows you exactly how to permanently stop those annoying errors from happening again. Which is by fixing this problem at the stabilizing the motherboard of your Xbox.

It is really easy to perform this repair on your own once you see exactly how it is done step-by-step.

And I know the mere thought of opening up your Xbox can be scary at first. But if you know how to plug in your controller, you can easily fix the Xbox red light in your sleep.

And am sure you can agree that the first time you do are going to always feel a little nervous and uneasy. It is quite normal. And if thousands of Xbox owners have been able to get rid of the Xbox red light on their own, it should be a piece of cake for you as well.

And if you are only trying to get rid of the annoying Xbox red light error today, there is a 94% chance that you won't need to spend any extra money on parts.

But the annoying red lights issue isn't going to go away on its own.

The longer you let it bombard your expensive Xbox console, the higher the risk you take that you are going to suffer from permanent damage. Ignoring the issue is going to lead to your console collecting dust and using it as a leg stand because it just sits there.

That's a very expensive leg stand don't you agree?

Wouldn't you rather want to be getting in on the latest Xbox live games and beating your friends at Halo Reach all because you repaired your Xbox today with a guide that shows you how its done?

If you are serious gamer, every second spent waiting around is another opportunity for your competition to get better than you at the same exact games you play.

By the time you get back into action a couple days from now, they would already be waiting to rape you silly while you are trying to play catch up.

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